In Poker, only one player wins the pot, or money, after each betting round. During the betting phase, players must put in the same number of chips and raise the same number of times. They then reveal their hands to each other. The player with the highest hand wins the pot, or the money bet, as the game is called. However, in some variations of Poker, a player can fold. Here are some of the rules of Poker.
The lowest possible hand is a pair of aces or a pair of sevens. In other games, an ace may count as the lowest card. If a player has an ace as his or her lowest card, they have a low pair. This hand is called a low pair and is the best possible hand to win. Some poker games, however, treat the ace as the lowest. This is because the lowest pair is an ace.
The dealer has the right to deal the cards. It typically rotates among the players, and the dealer button (also known as the buck) determines the betting order. The dealer deals the cards clockwise around the poker table. The dealer is usually a white disk and indicates the nominal dealer. The dealer is responsible for handling all of the cards in the hand. In poker, the dealer has the last right to shuffle the cards. He must then offer the shuffled pack to any player who wants to make a cut.