Gambling is an activity where someone risks something of value on a random event with the intention of winning something else of value. In addition to risk and chance, gambling involves the choice of when to gamble, what to bet on and how much to wager.
Some people may have a gambling addiction, which can have serious and even life-threatening consequences. If you think you have a problem, seek help. Many organisations offer support, assistance and counselling for those who experience harm from gambling. They can be found online or in your community.
While the benefits of gambling are largely intangible, the costs are tangible and often overlooked. These include environmental effects (such as destroying wetlands) and social impacts (such as addiction).
The gambling industry is often viewed negatively due to its impact on society. Compulsive gambling damages lives by causing debt, family breakdown and financial ruin. It also leads to a lack of commitment to work and other activities. In addition, it is estimated that one problem gambler affects up to seven other people, including children and extended family members.
Some supporters of gambling argue that it can attract tourists and create jobs. This is especially true of gambling in casinos, where local residents benefit from wages and employment opportunities. However, the evidence that tourism is a result of gambling is anecdotal and conflicting. In addition, many of the jobs created by casino operators and their employees are temporary and low paying.