Gambling is a type of activity that involves betting money or something of value on a chance. It can be a leisure time activity or a way to socialize. However, there is a high risk of financial and mental health consequences.
Studies of gambling have typically measured economic benefits, but few have attempted to quantify the social impacts. In fact, many studies have largely ignored them.
There are two main types of impact, the gambling-related and the problem gambling-related. The former is more measurable. Economic impacts of gambling include the monetary benefits and losses that are generated by wagering.
A person who has a problem with gambling may have a negative effect on his or her family and relationships. Additionally, gambling can affect job performance. And, of course, it can also leave a person in serious debt.
There are several ways to deal with gambling addiction. Some people seek help through organizations such as Gamblers Anonymous. Others enroll in education classes or join peer support groups. Other options are to volunteer for good causes or seek out a sponsor.
Problem gamblers can also create social care costs. These costs are often hidden from the public, but can have a significant impact on the individual.
As with any addiction, a strong support network is essential. If you have a friend or family member who is a problem gambler, find out if he or she has a support group. You can also talk to a therapist.